So here’s the deal. Seven years ago I convinced myself that shutting down Fruits of Libido was the right thing to do. I had limited time and space to write, and life kept getting in the way. In retrospect, it’s clear that that’s exactly why I should have kept writing; we have to make time and space for things that are important to us. But now I’m back and LVNSX is my new digs.
So hey everyone, how’s it going?
Two things happened when I stopped blogging. I lost touch with myself and I lost touch with many people. Coming to this realization was a slow process. Sorry for the cliché, but yes, it’s easy to take for granted the things you have. What I had when I was blogging? Connections, friendships, discussions, challenges, ideas, a sense of where I fit in all of it. A place to be my horny self even. All of that was eroded by the time I have spent not writing.
So I want back in. I’m craving back in. I see some people I used to follow have graduated their blogs from blogspot to first-class domains of their own. Good for you! Yep, blogging is still a thing. And why the hell not.
The “sex blog” designation or categorization is a funny thing. Sexuality is definitely part of the deal, but a sex blog is about sex like a cooking blog is about cooking. It’s not the point. We do it because it’s healthy, it nourishes, we like the smells, and it tastes really good… Yeah, does it ever.